- Sku: IZ221613
Bucket O`Gravel 16.oz (Regular, red)
Gravel art is a unique medium for crafts projects that will appeal to all ages. With our vibrantly colored gravel you’ll be able to create a variety of lovely crafts with simplicity and ease. Sold in buckets of 16 oz.
Single Color
16 oz. of Gravel
Plastic Container
Variety of Colors
The first step is to trace or draw a simple image, shape or form onto a stiff piece of poster board or cardboard. For younger children, draw basic shapes such as a circle or triangle. Older kids may want to choose to draw their own pictures. Next, trace the lines of your image with glue, and press a piece of yarn or thread into the glue. This will define the outline of your pattern.
Now you can glue colored craft gravel into the empty spaces between the glued strings. For minimal shapes and patterns an outline is not necessary, but may be helpful to as a guide for young children. Use lots of different colored gravel to highlight and shadow each area of the picture. Finish your gravel art project using paint, marker, crayon or chalk to sketch in background images or a solid backdrop. Dress up plain corkboard coasters with lively gravel pieces for an artsy coaster set. Colored gravel also makes wonderful collage material. Create an exclusive gravel collage or combine with other materials for a colossal collage. Beach scenes really come alive when you add a little bit of gravel to the project.
Gravel also works well to create interesting textured surfaces. Apply to picture frames, vases, planter boxes or potted plants, album covers, notebooks and more for your own uniquely personalized items. Multicolored gravel adds a colorful splash to a fish tank or aquarium and might just be the perfect breathable material to bed your classroom pet. With so many colors of gravel, there is a whole rainbow of possibilities out there for you. So, what are you waiting for?

Bucket O`Gravel 16.oz (Regular, red)